Vice President Prof. YOKOI Atsufumi participated at the United Nations University SDG University Partnership Platform (SDG-UP) Symposium

On March 29, the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) hosted a significant symposium on sustainability initiatives by universities participating in the SDG-Universities Platform (SDG-UP) at the United Nations University U Thant International Conference Hall.

This platform, which plays a crucial role in advancing the SDGs through education, research, and multi-stakeholder collaboration, and the efforts of universities participating in the SDG-UP were the focus of the symposium.

Okayama University Vice President for Global Engagement, Prof. YOKOI Atsufumi, represented the Sustainable Campus Subdivision, delivered a speech, and joined the panel discussion.

The symposium began with opening remarks by the Rector of the United Nations University and United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Tshilidzi Marwala. Afterward, YAMAGUCHI Shinobu, (Director, UNU-IAS; Chair, SDG-UP) summarized a Presidents’ Roundtable held in November 2023.

In the first part of the symposium, a panel discussion, “Frontiers of University Sustainability Activities,” took place, and Vice President Prof. Yokoi categorized sustainable campuses into four areas: “Governance,” “Education and Research,” Environment and Energy,” and “Local Communities.” He particularly emphasized discussions on “Environment and Energy” and “Local Communities,” incorporating examples of initiatives from participating universities under the theme of “Overview and Future Developments of Discussions on Sustainable Campuses.”

In the second part of the symposium, students from participating universities introduced their sustainability activities. Students from Osaka University, Keio University, and Ryukoku University, respectively, presented sustainability activities, showcasing their innovative and impactful initiatives.

Through SDG-UP activities, Okayama University aims to deepen and expand collaboration among universities, strengthen intergenerational solidarity, including young generations, and disseminate Japan’s initiatives to the world.


○United Nations University SDG University Partnership Platform (SDG–UP):
Established in 2020 by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), SDG–UP is not just a platform for Japanese universities but a global initiative. It serves as a platform for universities with a solid commitment to actively engage in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to enhance collaboration between the United Nations University and Japanese universities and to strengthen efforts towards the SDGs in higher education, human resource development, and partnerships with stakeholders, contributing to sustainable development not only in Japan but worldwide.
The activities of SDG–UP aim to facilitate behavioral changes among stakeholders in higher education towards a more resilient society and support individuals in taking action to secure a more sustainable future for all.

Vice President Yokoi delivering a speech during the panel discussion

Vice President Yokoi delivering a speech during the panel discussion

Opening remarks by the United Nations University Rector Marwala

Opening remarks by the United Nations University Rector Marwala

Group photo

Group photo

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